Wax Seal Beads – Green
This set includes:
- 2 colors of green tone wax beads
Get the full bundle including the metal stamp seal, handle, warmer and a jar of gold tone wax beads for an incredible price by clicking here.
Instructions for use:
After placing the warmer onto the candle, put 3-5 wax beads (3 wax beads will make a small seal) into the spoon, then put it on the warmer, wait 1-3 minutes, after the wax has melted, pour the wax onto surface to be decorated, and then use the seal. (Tip: Wait for a few seconds to allow the wax dry before pressing stamp into it.  Please do not touch the liquid wax before it dries.
You do not need to clean the spoon if you use the same color wax seal beads. If you want to use a different color of wax beads just wipe away the remaining wax in the wax seal spoon with paper towel or a tissue before you fill with new wax beads. Please be careful, the metal part of the wax seal warmer and spoon are very hot during and after immediate use and can cause burns. Always use caution when working over an open flame.